ART-GDL (Artezio Guaranteed Delivery Layer) is a Java library working as a part of the framework for integrated applications development Apache Camel. It is designed for enhancing Apache Camel functionality in EIP Guaranteed Delivery realization.
Apache Camel supports the Guaranteed Delivery from the EIP patterns using JMS components but has limited set of parameters. For example, now if a developer wants to transport data in or within definite intervals or to identify the order of data transfer, it should be done manually instead of being controlled by the system itself.
ART-GDL extends the functionality of Apache Camel helping to decrease time required for data transfer and development in general. It is an open source and fully scalable solution so developers can make changes in the code and add new formats or roles of interaction between the systems. ART-GDL has Apache License 2.0.
The library is available for download at
ART-GDL is distributed under Apache License 2.0 open source license.